Thursday, June 9, 2011

Q: Did Odin Exist? - Skadi Forum

The power of Wotan is a metaphysical potential available to each and every one of his people through a process of spiritual introspection and development. To properly appreciate the character and uses of this power, it is necessary to understand its metaphysical background.

To begin, we must develop a realization of the spiritual nature of the universe. The universe, as a whole, is a spiritually living being -- the ultimately supreme God, if you will. This is not the place for an examination of the motives and processes underlying the manifestations of this universal being. Let it suffice to say that our solar system is one small living part of that being, as a cell is one small living part of a larger organism.

The center of our solar system is, of course, the sun. What is often overlooked by modern man is the fact that the sun is more than the physical center; it is also the spiritual center. Life on the planet Earth is derived from, dependent upon, and expresses the sun's energy. Naturally, this energy is manifested in other ways as well: the moon supplies reflected energy which has seen subtly altered; the seas absorb, transform, and release that energy; plant life stores the energy in a profoundly altered form; etc.,etc.

And, most importantly, each and every living human being is a repository for the sun's energy, and is blessed with the capacity for using that energy in a highly complex and creative way.

From the earliest times, man has recognized the various sources and centers of this spiritual energy from the sun, and has expressed this recognition in a process of deification of the natural features of the world and its surroundings (the moon, stars, etc.). For most peoples, the sun has played a central role in this process, as it should. Wotan represents the Teutonic attempt to deify and understand this primary source of spiritual energy.

To equate the designation of Wotan as a sun god with the idea that his worshippers view him simply as a giver of life and warmth, however, is to seriously misunderstand the matter. As an organism absorbs, transforms, and expresses the sun's energy, it partakes of the spiritual essence of the sun,, and moves in the direction of becoming one with that being on a metaphysical plane.

Moreover, just as one kind of plant will share in this process in a way that differs from that of another kind of plant, so the various genetic strains of humanity each have their own way of expressing the sun's energy. The ancient Egyptians, for example, stressed the idea of Majesty, and this theme dominated every aspect of their lives. In contrast to this, the Zoroastrian tradition saw the sun as man's champion in the struggle against the forces of darkness.

For a Christian, the sun represents a stern but protective father who will save his worshippers if they will only accept him and his ways. Examples could be cited almost endlessly, but the same implicit concept will be found again and again: the sun/deity is an all-powerful spiritual being that imposes his will on the people of the world. In the case of Wotan, however, the spiritual essence of the sun is seen in a significantly different way -- and it is from this that Wotan's power is derived.

Wotan stands alone as an evolving, honorable and aloof deity. In the mythologies of other religions, the sun god is presented as a complete, finished deity; Wotan learns and grows, and is ever striving to achieve new heights of power and wisdom. In other religions, the sun god is portrayed as being primarily concerned with enforcing the established order; Wotan is always seeking to create the new.

The other sun gods present an arbitrary code of conduct to humanity and accept no questioning of its basis, or their own conduct; Wotan demands of his followers only that they be honorable - and applies this requirement to himself as well. And, perhaps most importantly, the sun gods of the other religions impose themselves upon their peoples, demanding obediance and allegiance, while Wotan stands apart and makes himself available only to those who choose his way and actively seek him out.

Of all the peoples of the world, the Teutons are alone in having experienced the miraculous and sublime process of evolutionary change that has enabled them to see the sun's energy as alive, evolving, and creative. The sun gods of other peoples were static from their inception - and therefore stillborn; their survival as objects of worship was made possible only by a grasping and hypocritical priesthood.

Unfortunately for humanity, Wotan's people lacked the courage of their convictions; they opted for the easy road, and accepted Christianity. Now, after centuries of betrayal, hypocrisy and revealed falsehood, his people are rejecting the Judeo-Christian lie and turning to their inner spiritual selves for truth and understanding -- and they are finding Wotan. There can be no more impressive demonstration of the creative power of Wotan than this.

We stand on the threshold of a new era, and what we see before us is the universe. As we carry the banner of our sun's spiritual energy to the farthest galaxies, we can take pride in the knowledge that we are the bringers of the seed of evolution, creativity, honor, and dignity.

Germanic Heathenry Forum dedicated to the pre-Christian Germanic folkway, alternatively known as Asatru, Odinism, Germanic Heathenism, Forn Sed, Theodism, Irminism, Anglo-Saxon Heathenry, and so forth. Discussion of everything to do with our ancestral path: blots, sumbels, and other forms of Heathen ritual and sacrifice; namings, handfastings/weddings, funerals, and everything in between; Heathen gatherings, groups, and organizations.