Monday, May 30, 2011

On Jung's Wotan

Understanding Wotan Consciousness - Carl Gustav Jung
By: Ron McVan

The mythological archetypes of a race derive from the deepest collective subconscious mind of its folk, and reveal themselves in ethic symbols of philosophy, art, religion and heroic legends. The mythos serve as the traditional vehicle of man's profound metaphysical insights. C. G. Jung understood the race archetype as the well-spring from which an individual or a whole people found revitalization of both soul and will, and it became the cornerstone of his therapeutic work.

The Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist, Dr. Carl Gustav Jung, was born on July 26, 1875. Throughout his lengthy career Carl Jung's thinking has colored the world of modern psychology more than many of those of casual knowledge realize, and he has left behind an impressive legacy of written works in his field. Prof. Jung recognized Wotan as the foremost deity, who has long directed the subconscious mind of the Aryan race.

In his essay on Wotan he states, "We must go back to the age of myths, which did not explain everything in terms of man in his limited capacities, but sought the deeper cause in the psyche and its autonomous powers. Man's earliest intuitions personified these powers as gods and described them in the myths with great care and circumstantiality according to their various characters.

This could be done the more readily on account of the firmly established primordial types or images which are innate in the unconscious of many races, and exercise a direct influence upon them. Because the behavior of a race takes on its specific character from its underlying images, we can speak of an archetype, Wotan, as an autonomous psychic factor. Wotan produces effects in the collective life of a people and thereby reveals his own nature. For Wotan has a peculiar biology of his own, quite apart from the nature of man."

Jung and his followers have demonstrated irrefutably that the logic, the heroes and the deeds of myth survive into modern times.

The resurgence of the ancient Aryan practice of Wotanism had its first major reawakening from Christian oppression in the late 1800's, formulating in a wide variety of Wotanist-Ariosophic societies, guilds, religions and Wotanist kindreds throughout Europe. A similar renaissance of Ariosophy began to formulate within the United States in the late 1960's, and has continued to gain widespread momentum again as we approach a new century.

Prof. Jung predicted that the Aryan race would soon enter a resurgent age of Wotan, who would rise within the folk conscious mind of his people. like an extinct volcano to new activity. This is not so much an unnatural phenomenon, quite the opposite.

"Wotan," as Jung expressed, "Is the Teutonic datum of first importance, the truest expression and unsurpassed personification of a fundamental quality that is particularly characteristic of the Aryans."

Mythology shows itself to be as amiable as life itself to the obsessions and requirements of the individual, the race, the age.

Myth is the revelation of a plenum of silence within and around every atom of existence. It is thus only natural that Wotanism should witness the tribal rebirth in these perilous times for the White race. The ruling archetype always functions best in times of great crisis. In the Wotan essay Jung stated plainly that, "The god of the Aryans is Wotan and not the Christian god." The alien doctrines of Christianity were forced upon pagan Europe by point of sword with strong political posturing.

Had Christianity not incorporated much of the old, Aryan, pagan traditions it could scarce have lasted into these present times. Without exception the most singular deleterious convolution to infect the natural instincts of Aryan man has been the anti-nature, universalist doctrine of Christianity.

Prof. Jung approached world religions much like a scientist with a scholarly fascination of his field. He revealed in a statement which summarizes all his labors, namely that, "Man is needed to illuminate the obscurity of the creator." His desire was to project the light of consciousness into the bottomless sea of the unconscious, which is to say, into god himself. Jung believed strongly that it was impossible for Wotanism to ever leave the psyche of the White race, but that it would always retain its original vitality and autonomy. Our consciousness, he went on to say, "Only imagines that it has lost its gods; in reality, they are still there and it only needs a general condition in order to bring them back into full force."

Carl Gustav Jung passed away silently in his bed in June of 1961, having lived a long, content and productive life. At the twilight of his long career Prof. Jung came to the conclusion that if Aryan man is to survive as a species, it will not be through a political act or a social act, but a spiritual one in which the White race rediscovers its myth and legend. In this way, and only in this way, will Aryan man preserve the roots, essence and strength of his civilization.

No coward soul is mine, 
No trembler in the world's storm-troubled sphere: 
I see Valhalla's glories shine and strength shines equal, arming me from fear. 

Wotan within my breast, Allfather, ever-present Deity! 
Life - that in me has rest, As I - undying life - have power in Thee!


Sun May 30 19:38:15 PDT 2004